Featured Resonator Convene: Boosted Drop Rate for Xiangli Yao and Yinlin During the event, 5-Star Resonator: Xiangli Yao, 4-Star Resonators: Lumi, Baizhi, and Yuanwu receive boosted drop rates!
In summary, both 5-star Resonators are characters from the Thunder attribute team, and they are both reprints. If you don’t have ample drawing resources or the ability to pay, neither is recommended. You can focus on the new characters coming in version 2.0.

1.Xiangli Yao
As the only limited 5-star Thunder attribute output character in Wuthering Waves, it is the best choice to deal with Thunder attribute towers.
For veteran players, Xiangli Yao’s resonance chain is very strong, and if you have ample drawing resources, you can consider drawing multiple copies. You can also consider drawing his exclusive weapon: ml-search.
For new players, if you don’t have two to three strong main outputs, you can consider drawing, but it is more recommended to wait for the new characters in version 2.0.

As an assistant adapted to the Thunder attribute team, players who have drawn Xiangli Yao and want to enhance the Thunder team can consider drawing.
Yinlin’s strength is not top-notch, but she is so beautiful.

As a 4-star character, if you don’t like it very much, there is no need to waste precious drawing resources for 4-star characters.